Help with writing a cover letter or CV
Cover letter & CV writing
Writing a cover letter and/or writing your CV is a difficult exercise that requires time and thought. Knowing how to sell yourself in a few clear, concise lines without any prohibitive fault for the HR department can prove to be a real difficulty.
Put the odds on your side and entrust the writing/correction/rewording of your cover letter and CV to a public writer who will put his writing skills at the service of your career!
Help with writing your cover letter or writing your CV
How to write a good cover letter? How to write an effective CV? Here are some questions we've all asked ourselves.
Are you entering adulthood, you are young, not very seasoned, and you want to flourish in a job that will meet your expectations?...
Do you want to make a good impression, despite the little luggage you have?...
You don't feel comfortable with writing and you're afraid of making mistakes in your cover letter?...
You are not familiar with polite formulas and you are afraid of making a mistake?...
The Public Writer comes to your rescue!
To help you better write your cover letter, I offer a tailor-made package that includes writing your cover letter or correcting your text , so important to make a good impression with Human Resources, but also the writing of your CV, depending on the job in which you wish to exercise your talents (for more information, consult the prices of this service here .
Your cover letter will be a faithful reflection of the values you want to convey through your words and which will have to hit home with your future employer.
I will be able to guide you, advise you on the turns that it is preferable to adopt, but also those to avoid.
Everything will be weighed, carefully studied, both the layout and the fonts. Each term will be carefully chosen, to avoid doing "too much", or not enough.
Cover letter for first job
Knowing how to show off isn't easy, especially if you're just entering the job market.
To get that first “job” so decisive for the rest of your career, entrust the writing of your first job cover letter to a professional who will be able to highlight your determination and suitability for the position in a few lines.
Concise, punchy and flawless, your letter will reflect your personality and adapt to your goal: looking for a student job as a spontaneous application or a first job in response to an advertisement.
Your first dream job is abroad and you need help writing a cover letter in English? Competent on the translation of text (link) French English, I can help you too!
Write a CV and a cover letter for a professional retraining
For people who have to return, want to get back on the job market or retrain professionally following a long period of inactivity, a long experience in the same company or a dismissal, I will work on writing a letter of retraining motivation and/or an effective CV, to highlight your assets and your experience.
Your background and its consistency must be reflected in your cover letter and your CV so that whoever reads them is convinced that you are THE right person for the job.
So, at your convenience, I can write either your cover letter, your CV, or both. You choose.
For any further information, do not hesitate to ask me your questions on my contact page.
There is no miracle formula to hit the mark every time, but the expertise of the public writer will be a major asset in the success of the steps you take.